IDC info
•We operate 11 geographically redundant data centers in Korea(3 spots), USA(2 spots), Japan(1 spots), China(1 spot),Hongkong(1spot), Thai(1spot), Veitnam(1spots),Philippine(1spots) to meet all of your colocation and disaster recovery needs.
• We manage over 30000 switch ports,3000 customers and growing in our internal network.
• Our network has over 100 Gbps with KT,LG,SK,NTT of capacity and growing.
• We are Parallels,GateProtect,Huawei,M cloud Enterprise Service Provider.
• We are committed to the highest ethical standards, impeccable customer service, and excellent customer response times.
• We want to earn your business as a trusted technology solutions provider.
IDC Location
•Seoul 1DC: West finance center, Technomart, 3-25 Guro5dong, Gurogu, Seoul, Korea
•Seoul 2DC: KT, Doksandong,Geumcheongu,Seoul,Korea
•Seoul 3DC: KT, Mogdong,Yangchungu,Seoul,Korea
•Yokohama DC: Tsuzuki District IDC,Kanagawa Prefecture ,Yokohama City,Japan
•Manila DC: Rufino St, Legaspi village, Makati City1229, Philippines
•Hongkong DC: World Peace Center,55 Wo Tong Tsui Street,Kwai Chung,NT,Hongkong
•Dalian DC: Jinzhou New Area,Dalian,Liaoning,China
•Los Angeles DC: Wilshire Bluebird IDC,California,Los Angeles,USA